Now you have read this blog. Appeal for 2020 running costs.

You may remember last year  I made a plea for donations to help support my blog.  I had a fantastic response and within a few weeks, you had donated sufficient funds for me to move the blog to faster servers, get the website professionally written, develop new branding and other minor software upgrades.

I now need to raise the funds to support the blog for the next year.  These will support the new faster web hosting, software upgrades and email lists. I would also like to upgrade my zoom account so that I can give webinars to more than 300 people.

If each reader donated a small amount, I am sure that I can cover the yearly running costs. I hope that you can help.

These links will take you through to PayPal and you can donate using your credit card or PayPal account.

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: £10.00