New blog website is launched!
I am very pleased that we have been able to launch the new website for my blog ahead of schedule. I hope that you like it.
Readers will remember that earlier this year I explained that the old website was getting tired and clunky. I was also having problems with the “budget” web servers, as the site was crashing whenever I posted. This was simply because the site was being read so many times. As a result, I decided that I needed to make changes and I asked for donations to support my blog. This response was fantastic. In fact, I had to stop the donation drive because there was a risk that I was going to make a profit!
I have spent these funds on new faster servers and having a new website professionally written. This was done by a very helpful company, The Fresh, who are based in Manchester, next to the Manchester United stadium (this did not influence my decision on who to commission!).
This new website will be much faster to load, clearer to navigate, read easily on phones and tablets and generally much better than the old one, which I wrote myself.
I have tested it very carefully and I think that we have spotted most of the glitches. However, there may be one or two that have slipped the net. If you spot anything could you just mention this in the comments section? One issue may be the subscription pop up software may keep asking you to subscribe. If you have subscribed already for email reminders, you do not need to redo this. If this issue persists, we will fix it.
Finally, I hope that you like the new website and I will return to normal posting next week.

Emeritus Professor of Orthodontics, University of Manchester, UK.
Nice work. Thanks!
Congratulations on your new website. ‘The Fresh’ have done you proud.
Just an observation Kevin, but, “I am a professor of orthodontic(s)….” needs an ‘s’. Much more importantly, could you clarify just how we can subscribe/make a donation. Electronic bank transfer would be easiest for me.
Yours aye,
Bill Reay
I endorse the idea of a donation/support button perhaps with a suggested annual amount. Your blog and now website is a wonderful resource for the entire dental profession. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Selma Elekdag
always look forward to your blogs and now the new website
congrats and continued success
Thank you for giving so unselfishly to the profession. You are a role model to many.
Congratulations 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
Congrats ! Can’t thank you enough for your work.
Congrats! Keep up the good work 🙂
Congratulations .thank you very much
Hearty congratulations and here’s wishing you all the very best Dr O’Brien.
Thank you for your all your unselfish and unbiased contributions to the Orthodontic fraternity.
Much appreciated for the worthy guidances.
Felicidades y muchos éxitos.
Nice work ! Thanks
Well done ! keep one the great work.
Thanks Kevin
Really like the look of the new website – well done (even if the designers are a bit close to Old Trafford……)
Thanks for continuing to make us all ask questions about our clinical practice
Keep up the good work!
Nicely done…bravo
Congratulations and well Done Dr O’Brien.
Thank you for your continuous support and contributions in orthodontics.
I am grateful to read your contributions to Orthodontics. We have always needed to ask important questions regarding studies and/or claims by companies and individuals. You have brought science, credibility and honor back into our field of Orthodontics.
Thank you
Thank you for providing a forum for intelligent Orthodontic discussion! It is truly a great contribution to the profession.
Congratulations for keeping update with technology. While providing, up to date information on Orthodontic scientific, clinical and commercial happenings, you have kept an objective perspective. This will be useful to the novice as well as the seasoned orthodontists.Best Wishes.
Congratulations and thank you for the great informations 🌺🌺🌺 great job
Congrats! I love reading your blog. Thanks for all the great info!
Congratulations Kevin, I always look forward to reading your blog. Thank you for your dedication.
Congratulations Kevin on the new site. Very fresh. I have enjoyed reading your blogs in the past and always look forward to them. Thank you for continuing to do this for our profession.
For those who feel that unproven pseudoscientific assertions not exempt of commercial interest are plaguing orthodontic practice, we must thank you for your attempts to bring back our field to scientific thinking and credibility.
Thank you for your effort. Nicely done
God bless her and all who sail in her
Thanks a lot!
My go to site!Thanks for all you do!