Here are the Top 10 posts of 2023
Every December, I take a look at the most popular posts of the year. These include those that are read the most and also have the highest level of engagement. I am presenting these as a simple list. I also appreciate that as they are the most popular posts, it is likely that you have read them. However, please have a look and revisit this year, particularly, as some have controversial yet interesting comments sections. I have put the most popular post last.
10. We need to talk about myofunctional orthodontics
In this post, I was critical about myofunctional orthodontics and all the snake oil that it involves. It was originally published several years ago. Interestingly, people still read it and it receives many hits a week. I think that it is read by laypeople, which is encouraging as it allows me to spread the message about this treatment widely.
9. Herbst versus Twin Block a great new trial
I thought it was great to see this new trial that looked at a clinically relevant and important question. This was another paper that suggested fixed functionals may be better than removable functional appliances. It certainly added to our knowledge.
8. Back to Basics: What do we know about clear aligner treatment
The “Back to Basics” series in which guest editors reviewed the evidence underpinning some of our most popular treatments was very popular this year. In this post Martyn Cobourne provided a good review of our knowledge of clear aligners.
7. Lateral incisor attachments. Out with the old in with the new.
This was a post by Padhraig Fleming in which he outlined a study looking at the effectiveness of lateral incisor attachments as part of clear aligner treatment. He concluded that using more traditional, bulkier horizontal attachments may offer more predictable extrusion than optimized Invisalign attachments. All that glitters may not seem to be gold.
6. Can we intercept maxillary canine impaction? A new trial.
Every year, one of the most popular concerns relates to intercepting impaction of canines. This reflects the fact that this is a common problem and readers are interested in clinically relevant research. This paper reported on a new trial. It generated a lot of discussion, and the authors provided a clear clarification of their conclusions. These conclusions were that SME in early mixed dentition significantly decreases the need for major comprehensive orthodontic treatment in the long term. Extraction of deciduous canines in early mixed dentition has an 11 times higher probability of requiring major treatment compared to slow maxillary expansion. This paper and blog post are worth revisiting.
5. Going solo with Invisalign?
This was the first post of the year. Padhraig wrote a clear post on the need to change from aligners to fixed appliances, in order to finish treatment. There was a heated and clear debate in the comments section that added to the information in this post.
4. Back to basics: Maxillary expansion
This was another post by Martyn Cobourne. He took a refreshing look at the evidence about maxillary expansion. Importantly, this was very relevant because of the current interest in using screws, bolts, and attempting expansion in ever younger and older patients. I thought that it was a breath of fresh air.
3. Invisalign does not move teeth as effectively as fixed appliances?
You may have noticed that several of the most popular posts are by Padraig and Martyn. I am, therefore, pleased that as we get to the top three, a post by me has made the cut. This was about a retrospective study that showed that at a superficial level, this study reinforces the general feeling that clear aligner therapy is effective for mild malocclusions. But we need more research…
2. Brain Cancer after CT scans in children
Every now and then, a really important study is published. I thought that this was a study that should change our practice. The investigators looked at the incidence of cancer following CT scans of children. The findings were stark. There is a link between head and neck radiation exposure and brain cancer. There was a massive and heated discussion following this post. It is worth rereading if only to consider the competing views on this controversial dilemma.
1. At last a study on orthotropics: The first nail in the coffin?
This piece of research was so important that I decided to review a Master’s thesis. Now I know that this is not fully published research. However, this was the first study to take a scientific look at orthotropics. It showed that this treatment was nothing special and no better than standard orthodontic treatment. The comments on this blog were extensive and interesting.
This is my last post of the year. I am taking a break over Christmas. I hope that you all have a good break and I will be back posting in early January.
Dear Kevin,
Your blog’s echoes resonate far beyond the orthodontic community. As a general dentist, I’m thoroughly awakened and invigorated. Your unbiased approach and critical eye provide a glow in an often too comfortably numb professional landscape.
Your posts lift us toward a better understanding and appreciation of our field. It’s refreshing to see debates conducted with grace, embracing the full spectrum of perspectives. In a world increasingly divided, your blog reminds us that understanding is a journey we share.
A special thank you to Padhraig Fleming and Martyn Cobourne, whose contributions turn your blog from a solo act into a symphonic masterpiece. Together, you’re like the band members of Pink Floyd, each adding unique notes to a harmonious melody.
As a general dentist, I find your insights invaluable, and they resonate deeply, even beyond the orthodontic realm. Your blog is on my ‘must-share’ list in every lecture I give, not just as a resource but as a beacon of critical thinking and collaboration.
For 2024, my wish is for better cooperation between general dentists and orthodontists. Imagine the symphony we could create for our patients and our profession! Your blog, Kevin, is the drumbeat to this rhythm, urging us on toward excellence and unity.
As we approach the holiday season, I hope you take a well-deserved break. May your Christmas be classic and timeless, and may the New Year bring you and your readers more Comfort, less Numb.
And so, as the final note of 2023 fades away, remember: We don’t need no thought control. Your blog is a testament to the power of thought, debate, and unity in diversity.
Best wishes for a restful holiday and an inspiring 2024!