A non-random selection of blog posts on evidence based orthodontics
A non-random selection of blog posts on evidence based orthodontics
I have decided to post an additional blog post this week because there has been a lot of internet chat about evidence based orthodontics. I have followed this closely. There seems to be some confusion in people’s mind about the relative merits of treatment being based on clinical experience or scientific evidence. I have written several posts on this issue before. I thought that I would provide a brief list of these posts for you to look at, if you want…just click on the titles.
Evidence based orthodontics is not as straightforward as it seems…
I published this post last year. I wanted to show that practising evidence based orthodontics was not just simply using information from clinical trials. There are other sources and this includes clinical experience.
Do I still believe in evidence based orthodontics?
I based this on a paper that made me think about the role of evidence and how I interpreted it. This changed my thinking…
Evidence based de-implementation in orthodontics. Should we stop some of what we are doing?
This was about a simply brilliant paper by John Iannidis, in which he questioned why we keep doing treatments that are not evidence based. I was depressed by the paper, but after I read it again it changed my thinking.
What information can we give to our patients on the evidence on orthodontic care?
I was particularly pleased with this post, as I tried to approach evidence from the point of view of a patient. I also wrote it while I was going down the Great Ocean Road in Australia. This is a trip that is certainly worth doing..
Is absence of evidence; evidence of absence? “Negative” findings in trials and systematic reviews
This was a recent post and you may have read it. I attempted to provide information on the interpretation of findings that are negative.
I’ve been thinking about the orthodontic fringe or quackery
This was an early post about the problems with quackery and orthodontics. I attempted to define quackery but also be cautious when we consider behaviour of some conventional orthodontists getting overexcited about new developments that are not supported by evidence.
Early Class II treatment: Part 1: The wheel keeps turning. Uncertainty and the Pyramid of Denial
I based this post on a symposium at the AAO meeting in San Francisco. This was about early class II treatment and evidence. This was the first time that I mentioned the “pyramid of denial” that has been very popular.
Finally, I could not resist adding this one to the list. It caused a fuss….
I have decided to become an orthodontic quack and snake oil salesman!
I hope that you find these helpful and that it is is useful to provide some summary post collections from time to time.

Emeritus Professor of Orthodontics, University of Manchester, UK.